Stress is often viewed as an exclusively negative sensation: Work deadlines pile up, family drama takes its toll, busy schedules wear us thin and we wind up drained.
Stress occurs when someone feels an imbalance between a challenge and the resources they have to deal with it, says Kathleen Gunthert, a professor of psychology at American University. Researchers have identified two different types of stress — ‘distress,’ which refers to negative stress (a breakup) and ‘eustress,’ which refers to positive stress (starting a new job).
Chronic stress — defined as “the physiological or psychological response to a prolonged internal or external stressful event,” according to the American Psychological Association — has been linked to unhealthy eating, skin problems, smaller brain size, and even an increased likelihood of chronic disease.
In small doses, however, experts say stress can actually have some positive effects. Moderate levels of daily, manageable stress — also known as ‘eustress’ — may help protect against oxidative damage, which is linked to aging and disease, a 2013 study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology found.
Here are some unexpected upsides to experiencing a little bit of stress.
Stress enhances motivation
While heightened stress can feel overwhelming and decrease motivation, a little bit can go a long way when it comes to kickstarting your work. “Medium levels of stress can enhance our motivation,” Gunthert says. For example, the stress of a deadline can help people focus and pay more attention because time is running out. “We have all had the experience saying, ‘oh I’ve got to get such and such done’ but not being able to find the motivation to do it until we are stressed because it is due the next day and all of a sudden the motivation is there,” she says. “That fight or flight response can kick us into gear sometimes.”
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